St. Nick’s Day

Good Morning! I am genuinely surprised I made it up before 9 this morning, as Justin and I were up until 2am watching Breaking Bad. I know I am little behind on jumping on that bandwagon, but  nonetheless, I am addicted.

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday morning. I am hoping to make it bodyflow this morning, but we’ll see if I make it out of the house. Saturdays are always hard to get motivated!

Last night Justin and I had a nice evening in (watching Breaking Bad obviously), but we did venture out to get ice cream on what was a surprisingly warm evening.  Each month I get a coupon for a buy one get one free ice cream from Baskin Robbins. While we don’t eat ice cream all that often, its nice to have a reason to get out. Plus, its a really cheap “date.” If you like ice cream and a saving money, I highly suggest you sign up!

Last night we redeemed the December coupon.

baskinrobbinsJPGI almost always get chocolate peanut butter. Its delicious!

It was really nice to sit outside and eat our cones. I can’t believe its December, because the weather sure isn’t acting like it is!


Yesterday was also St. Nick’s Day!


I love this holiday because I think the story of St. Nicholas is pretty cool.  Plus, I love all the legends about him and how his image has evolved into the Santa Claus we know and love today.

I know its not really customary to celebrate St. Nick’s day in the U.S., but with my holiday fanatic mother, we always did. My mom mailed us advent gifts and included was a bag to open on December 6 for St. Nick’s day. So, yesterday morning when I woke up I took out the gifts and put them in our shoes, as this is the custom of St. Nick’s day.


This is definitely a tradition I want to continue with our family. Its a great opportunity to give a bit of historical background with kids too!

Questions of the day:

Do you celebrate St. Nicks Day?

Do you have any  other “non traditional” holidays that you celebrate?